Collection: Safety Matters


A Strong Commitment to our staff and our clients Health & Safety 


North Shore Scaffolding has been servicing Auckland Scaffolding needs for nearly 40 years. We have the expertise and gear for any job and have robust processes and highly trained staff that acknowledge the importance of providing a safe working environment for all.

We have built a strong reputation for quality systems that allow your people to work quickly and efficiently. Health & Safety is at the core of everything we do.

Even the most challenging tasks are straight forward for our team of experts.

A founding member of SARNZ, North Shore Scaffolding has helped shape the industry and continue to push for ever-improving Health & Safety and Innovative new ways to improve efficiency for our clients.

Contact Us
 today to discuss your project requirements.


  • All Scaffolder Training & Gear: All employees have SiteSafe Passports and are Height Trained 23229. They have gone through NSS Health & Safety Induction, and are NSS Emergency Procedure Trained. 
    Minimum Personnel PPE: Hard Hat with Chin Strap, High Vis Clothing, Steel Cap Boots, Harness & Twin Lanyard with up-to-date inspections. 
  • Leading Hand T&G: SiteSafe Passport, Height Trained 15757, NZ Elementary Scaffolding Ticket & First Aid. 
    Minimum Personnel PPE: Hard Hat with Chin Strap, High Vis Clothing, Steel Cap Boots, Harness & Twin Lanyard with up-to-date inspections. 
  • Supervisor: SiteSafe Supervisor, Height Trained, NZ Intermediate Scaffolding Ticket & First Aid.
  • NSS Health & Safety Representatives and Committee: 4-person committee, 2 H&S representatives.
  • Confined Spaces: We have teams available with Confined Space Training.


The score is in and we are proud to report that North Shore Scaffolding achieved 97% !

Scores over 90% are awarded Gold Status, and we are immensely proud to achieve 97%.
But we won't stop there, onwards and upwards, our goal is 100%.

A big thank you to our whole team for always making Health & Safety a priority on the job.


Safe 365 Pie ChartThe Safe 365 Organisational Dashboard provides excellent insights and gives us a total score of our Health & Safety Efforts.

At the centre of the Starburst365 is our overall health and safety status. Surrounding the index score are the results across the ten Safe365 assessment modules. The outer ring shows our results for each competency within each module. We are consistently working to improve these results.

The Current Safe365 score for North Shore Scaffolding is 77% 

The construction industry average is 54%



Safe 365 Data Analytics

We put the numbers in perspective in the graphic left.
It shows the latest Safe365 Benchmarking Data (November 2019), comparing across market and industries

It shows why Health and Safety is so important in an industry like construction. With the highest number of safety concerns, and one of the highest numbers of both incidents and injuries in the market, you cannot afford to hire a company that does not take Health & Safety seriously.


The data above shows that North Shore Scaffolding is in the top 9% of the overall market in New Zealand.

Reporting is important to keep track of incidents as well as improvements. North Shore Scaffolding reports Monthly Key Statistics such as: Near misses, H&S Incidents, Lost days due to injuries and Lost days due to illnesses among others.


NSS Onsite Health & Safety Documentation System

North Shore Scaffolding has developed an electronic Onsite Health & Safety Documentation System that works and updates in Real Time. Forms include a PreStart Safety Plan, Near Miss and Accident Reporting, Scaffold Inspection Forms and Site Lift Plans among others. 

The Daily PreStart Safety Plan contains Info about Tasks to be performed, Weather Information such as wind force, a detailed Emergency Info/Procedure outline, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to be used, Team Equipment Check and Hazard Management (the equivalent of a 5x5). A copy of the submitted Daily PreStart Safety Plan is emailed to the client as well as NSS management and all scaffolders on the job.



To further ensure the safety of both our employees, other contractors on site and the general public,
we conduct random and targeted drug and alcohol testing on our employees.


         NSS - SAFE365     NSS - SiteSafe


North Shore Scaffolding 2019 Wally Noble Health & Safety Award Winner Brett Whitcombe
After a tragic workplace accident many years ago, North Shore Scaffolding instituted an annual Health & Safety Award in the name of Wally Noble.

Every year, the award is presented to the most safety-conscious scaffolder of the year, by Wally himself, at North Shore Scaffolding Headquarters.

Read more about Wally's story and how he has used this tragic accident to educate and activate himself, and reinvented himself to give back by sharing his knowledge to all industries - transforming poor Health & Safety attitudes here.




Image: Wally Noble and 2019 winner Brett Whitcombe, with NSS former GM Scott Tremaine